We need your help! On September 12th, at The Fields Park we are uniting with 10,000 people from around Oregon and SW Washington to walk in, and fundraise for, AIDS Walk Portland. Please help us out by either joining the Windermere Community Realty team and walking with us on September 12th or by making a donation of any size.
One donation from you can transform the life of someone living with HIV/AIDS—or help prevent someone else from contracting the virus.
The news media gives the impression that HIV/AIDS is no longer a serious threat. Despite advances in treatment, HIV carries a huge emotional and financial burden. Plus, for most HIV-positive Oregonians, HIV is only one challenge they face among many. The harsh reality is that there is still no cure, and HIV infection rates remain steady in Oregon and Southwest Washington.
You can simply register today at www.AIDSwalkPortland.org and join team Windermere Community Realty or go to http://aidswalkportland.org/teampage.asp?fundid=4454#.Ve8vKvQ_uXg and make a donation.
Thank you for your support!